Since 2004, Art + Science has been an International driving force with a dedicated team of marketers, strategic planners and designers ready to bring your brand to the forefront of the product and merchandise world. We have a presence across 4 continents with operations in Europe, The Americas, Asia and Australia.

Who we are?

Peter Rooke

Peter Rooke

Driving Force
The platinum hair reflects the years of wisdom and inspiration Peter has brought to marketing campaigns around the World. As a Client at BAT and Gillette, a Consultant at Clarke Hooper, an Owner at The Pea Green Boat and The Yellow Submarine he has led the growth of 100’s of brands. Guinness, Mattel, Hasbro, Kraft, Sony, Heinz and even Government Departments are just a few who have valued his creativity. He founded Art + Science in 2004 to help share his experience with other like minded entrepreneurs.  
Karen Clarke

Karen Clarke

Methodical in approach, quietly powerful in delivery. Karen (Curls) has over 10 years experience in Sales & Marketing across a range of industries including Travel with First Choice, Hotels & Leisure with Marriott, and Publishing with John Wiley. Creative and Meticulous, Karen will explore every opportunity and leave no stone unturned to grow your brand and ensure that your marketing campaign delivers you results. Karen climbs Everest solo every year to keep herself fit for the rigours of this business, daily mountains are never an issue!

Suzanne Bingham

Suzanne Bingham

Piggy Bank
Purposeful and practical, Suzanne controls the Companies day to day finance needs alongside collecting royalties and forecasting. Following 15+ years in the Finance Department at Rosemount Aerospace (part of the Goodrich Corporation); Suzanne has an obsessive set of organisational skills and there is no doubt that every piece of information will be recorded somewhere on one of her many multi-screen spreadsheets. Suzanne is an avid game enthusiast and wears her competitive hat at the Companies monthly game nights.
Kiri Turnill

Kiri Turnill

Born in Japan, educated in the UK, Kiri’s career started with Capita and The Conference Shop. Consistent in approach, creative in delivery, Kiri is a mastermind at exploring all possible options diligently to ensure the right path is taken to grow your brand. With a wealth of experience in Sales, Design and Event Management, Kiri understands what success should look like from all levels! Kiri’s designs and design management bring creativity and colour to every project.

Jill Bazos

Jill Bazos

Marketing Machine
Jill Bazos began her career at Griffin Bacal, a leading advertising agency in its day, where she worked on the development, implementation and management of marketing and Licensing programs for Playskool, Tonka, Hasbro, Kenner, Milton Bradley, Parker Brothers and Mott’s, to name a few. Jill has done strategic work for such blue chip family oriented companies as Johnson & Johnson, Campbell’s, Entenmann’s, Nestle and Vivitar to name a few. As Brand Architect at Art & Science, Jill utilizes her diverse set of skills in building brands and creating products for many blue chip as well as start up companies.
Patty Buckheit

Patty Buckheit

Patty Buckheit is an experienced and talented designer whose main focus has been in the Toy and Collectibles businesses. Patty began her career designing packaging and games for Pressman Toy, moved to Sababa Toys where she was not only Senior Graphic Designer but managed all of the factories, timelines, budgets and ship dates. From there, Patty transitioned to Creative Director at Art & Science where she continues to spearhead all levels of product development and design for a wide range of brands and products.

Matt Kaplan

Matt Kaplan


Matt Kaplan played with toys well beyond his childhood, and to justify this, he joined the industry.  At toy, game and entertainment companies like Sababa Toys, Front Porch Classics, Fundex Games and GoAnimate, Matt specialised in Marketing, Brand Management, Licensing, Copywriting, and Game Creation. Matt co-branded classic toys and games like UNO, Scrabble, Magic 8 Ball, Etch a Sketch and Rubiks Cube with numerous licenses including The Simpsons, Spongebob Squarepants, Dora the Explorer, Sesame Street, The Muppets and Hello Kitty. Additionally, Matt has created many original strategy games for various ages, with licenses such as Dragonlogy, Weird US, Where the Wild Things Are, The Chronicles of Narnia and The Wizard of Oz. Matt lives in Brooklyn, NY with one ghost-cat and an endless supply of tacos.

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